Definitions and sources prefilling Estonia

Estonian U-Map data for prefilling 2009 – definitions

Some of the questions in the institutional questionnaire in Estonia have already been answered ‘pre-filled’ by us, using data provided to us by the Estonian Ministry for education and research. This data originates from national Estonian databases (mostly EHIS). Below you will find the definitions used as well as the source used.

City of institution – city that is stated in legal address. Source: Estonian Education Information System (EHIS).

Country of institution – country that is stated in legal address. Source: EHIS.

What is the legal status of your institution? – type of institution in Estonian language. Source: EHIS.

How would you characterise your institution? – form of ownership. Source: EHIS.

Total number of students enrolled – number of tertiary students who were enrolled in tertiary programs on 10th November 2009. Source: EHIS.

Number of doctoral students - number of doctoral students who were enrolled in doctoral programs on 10th November 2009. Source: EHIS.

Part time students - students taking a course load or educational program that requires less than 75 % of a full-time commitment of time and resources. Source: EHIS.

Students aged 30 years or older – students who were 30 years old or older on 1st of September 2009. Source: EHIS.

Degree seeking students with a foreign qualifying diploma - students who have presented a foreign diploma when enrolling in a tertiary program. Source: EHIS.

Degree seeking students with a foreign nationality - students whose citizenship is not Estonian. Source: EHIS.

Graduates 2000/10 – tertiary graduates who graduated during period 01.10.2009 – 30.09.2010. Professional higher education graduates are counted under “Bachelor degrees awarded” category.

Graduates Bachelor degrees awarded – this includes the pre-Bologna degrees awarded upon completion of a bachelor study programme entered in the Estonian Education Information System before 1 June 2002 with the nominal length of study of at least four years.

Graduates Master degrees awarded – this includes the degrees awarded upon completion of a master study programme entered in the Estonian Education Information System before 1 June 2002.

Subject areas for graduates – ISCED 97. Source: EHIS.



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